Here’s what they’re saying:
The Prime Minister recently told Parliament that: “What is happening in Hammersmith & Fulham is a metaphor for what would happen with a Conservative government. Having said that they would support the maintenance of services, the Tories have instituted some £34 million of cuts in those services.”
The Daily Mirror said “Hammersmith and Fulham, Tory: £14.4million cuts next year to fund three per cent council tax cut for three years. Foster children lose £3.3million. The old, disabled and people in council houses lose £3.7million. Many sick and elderly will be refused home help. Extra police for crime-hit areas refused. Three schools to close. More cuts next year - but Tories voted 18 per cent RISE in councillors' allowances”. See the full article here.
The Guardian added “Rightwing ideologues took over Hammersmith and Fulham a year ago from a well-run Labour group, cutting council tax by 3%, cutting £14.4m from children's services, housing, care for the frail and charity grants and closing a mental health centre.” Read the full article here.
And then The Times commented “The year-old Tory council followed through on its election pledge and shaved 3 per cent off council tax this year, paid for by privatising services and cutting funds to homeless charities and a local law centre. This, says Labour, is proof that Mr. Cameron’s Conservatives are still looking to make savage cuts in public services. Tony Travers, a local government expert at the London School of Economics, said that the tax-cutting instincts are ingrained in many Tories involved in local government.” View the full article here.
So as you can see; we residents of Hammersmith and Fulham are at the centre of the national political devide. I hope to explore what that looks like for all on this blog and so please pass it on to your friends and neighbours.
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