Thursday 14 June 2007

Hammersmith and Fulham Council Gains National Prominence

Just over one year after the Conservatives won power in Hammersmith and Fulham and it seems everyone’s talking about them.

Here’s what they’re saying:

The Prime Minister recently told Parliament that: “What is happening in Hammersmith & Fulham is a metaphor for what would happen with a Conservative government. Having said that they would support the maintenance of services, the Tories have instituted some £34 million of cuts in those services.”

The Daily Mirror said “Hammersmith and Fulham, Tory: £14.4million cuts next year to fund three per cent council tax cut for three years. Foster children lose £3.3million. The old, disabled and people in council houses lose £3.7million. Many sick and elderly will be refused home help. Extra police for crime-hit areas refused. Three schools to close. More cuts next year - but Tories voted 18 per cent RISE in councillors' allowances”. See the full article here.

The Guardian added “Rightwing ideologues took over Hammersmith and Fulham a year ago from a well-run Labour group, cutting council tax by 3%, cutting £14.4m from children's services, housing, care for the frail and charity grants and closing a mental health centre.” Read the full article here.

And then The Times commented “The year-old Tory council followed through on its election pledge and shaved 3 per cent off council tax this year, paid for by privatising services and cutting funds to homeless charities and a local law centre. This, says Labour, is proof that Mr. Cameron’s Conservatives are still looking to make savage cuts in public services. Tony Travers, a local government expert at the London School of Economics, said that the tax-cutting instincts are ingrained in many Tories involved in local government.” View the full article here.

So as you can see; we residents of Hammersmith and Fulham are at the centre of the national political devide. I hope to explore what that looks like for all on this blog and so please pass it on to your friends and neighbours.

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