Thursday 5 July 2007

Protest to Protect the Elderly, Sick and Vulnerable on July 16th

The H&F Conservative Council is proposing to cut home care services to 550 elderly, sick and vulnerable local residents. The Cabinet is taking a decision on this at its meeting on 16 July at Hammersmith Town Hall. See papers here. Members of the public can attend and protest.

Labour’s Cllr. Rory Vaughan (see pic) is leading the fight to protect the users and has been working closely with a number of local charities and community groups. Rory said “Eighty per cent of those that will be losing access to care are elderly and this is only the start. The Council has admitted that it is also reviewing the service for a further 850 users, who could all lose their services as well within the next 12 months. It’s heartless and goes against everything the Tories promised these people before last year’s local elections”.

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