Friday 27 July 2007

Schools Commission Announcement Set for September 6th

Sources tell us that the Fulham Schools Commission has completed its review and the result will be announced by Cllr. Stephen Greenhalgh (Con), the Leader of the Council, on September 6th.

There is a wide expectation that the Commission will announce another closure of a Fulham Secondary School on that day as well as confirming that the Council will resurrect plans, started under Labour, to win Government funding for a new academy. Labour does not support the controversial Commission because the Tories refused to allow places for local parents or teachers, fuelling speculation that it is little more than a Trojan horse for a further schools closure.

The Conservative Administration has unveiled plans to close two primary schools but earlier this year had to retreat from its plans to close down Hurlingham and Chelsea Secondary School. The announcement to back away from the Hurlingham and Chelsea School closure was made in the same press release that told us about the new Fulham Schools Commission chaired by Baroness Perry (Con).

Education is fronted by "Tory hatchet-man, Cllr. Antony Lillis" (Con) in our borough. He has a long record of cutting key services and closing down public facilities. Lillis is leading the Tories’ current schools closure programme, however, he also ran a public campaign to shut Phoenix Secondary School when he was in Opposition.

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