Queues to enter the Apollo snake down Fulham Palace Road on busy evenings and residents reported people urinating outside their homes, getting jostled when trying to cut through crowds to enter their estate and discarded fast food getting thrown into their gardens - which they say has attracted rats and other vermin.
They also couldn’t understand why the Apollo was having its rubbish removed by a contractor at 3.00am causing sleep-stopping noise as the large steel containers were mechanically lifted onto the backs of refuse lorries.
I have arranged for Council officials to contact Phil Rogers to ensure that he meets the terms set out in his licence agreement and I have been in busy email correspondence with him and his staff since our meeting. To be fair to him, he has agreed to take measures to address all of the problems saying “Please do understand that I am with yourself and the residents on this matter and agree that it [all of the issues] is totally unacceptable”. But it does give an idea of the types of issues residents living close to a large entertainment or office complex sometimes endure.
We'll still all have to remain vigilant to ensure that none of the problems re-occur.
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