Friday 17 August 2007

Ending Child Poverty

Omar Salem, a member of the London Young Labour Executive, has written this interesting and well researched piece about child poverty in the capital. He argues that specific policies need to be introduced for London as child poverty stands at 51% in inner London which is much higher than the rest of the UK. Click here to view.

You can find out more about the campaign to End Child Poverty in the UK by clicking here and it is also well worth reading the Joseph Rowntree Foundation report; What will it take to end child poverty? Firing on all cylinders.

In 1999, Prime Minister Tony Blair committed his government to ending child poverty by 2020. The UK has proportionally more poor children than most rich countries. In 2005, 3.4 million children were living in poverty. However, 700,000 children had been lifted out of poverty between 1998 and 2005.

There is clearly much work still to be done. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has underlined his new Government’s fresh commitment to ending child poverty in the UK and Omar’s article gives an overview of some of the necessary measures that will help achieve that goal.

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