Wednesday 15 August 2007

Spate of Burglaries in Brackenbury Area

Rosemary Pettit of the Brackenbury Residents’ Association contacted me about a series of burglaries taking place in the Brackenbury area of Hammersmith. I had spoken to some of the victims after being contacted by them shortly after the incidents happened and there is an anxiety that the burglaries will reoccur. One person was actually burgled twice within a few days. I’ve also been in touch with the police and they’re confident that they’ll catch the culprits.

Rosemary is keen to let people know that the H&F Crime Prevention Officer, Les Steggles, will come to your home and advise you how to beef up your security. Rosemary told me “Mr Steggles has a list of suppliers and recommendations - from alarms to window film and, in addition, [he] will point out some simple, cost-free measures to put burglars off”. Please contact Les if you’d like him to advise you on home security. Les is based at Hammersmith Police Station and can be contacted on 020 8246 2509, or email him by clicking here.

Our thanks go to Rosemary Pettit.

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