Monday 3 September 2007

Developer Puts New Application for Hammersmith Grove Building To H&F Council As Local Tory Accuses Residents of Being “Nimbyists” Stopping Progress

H&F Council has now agreed that the developer of the NCP car park in Hammersmith Grove could submit a fresh planning application. This arrived at the Council's offices in late August. It includes a proposal to reduce the size of the scheme by a mere 5% - failing to address the many concerns raised by local residents.

Meanwhile, fresh controversy has erupted when a Conservative Party council candidate for Hammersmith Broadway ward published a document attacking local residents as “Nimbyists” and mocking them as wanting to do no more than “save this historic car park”. The candidate is the son of former Councillor Angela Clarke (Con) who is currently chair of the Hammersmith Society and whom I understand, to be one of the people also opposing the development. We are calling on the Tory Council to distance themselves from their candidate's comments.

The developer has now presented a valid planning application to the Council after months of private meetings with council officials and Conservative councillors. This means that the developer will have to start fresh consultations with ward councillors, amenity groups and local residents. No date has yet been set for the application to go to committee.

I will keep you updated.

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