Friday 7 September 2007

Fulham Schools Commission Publishes Report

The Fulham Schools Commission has today published its report on the future of secondary education for that part of our borough. You can read it here.

Meanwhile, our local young people have delivered another year of impressive improvements at GCSE examinations.

The percentage of pupils gaining five or more GCSE passes at grades A* to C, including English and maths has risen to 56% against 49% for last year.

We live in a results orientated world and the latest round of school results has demonstrated how wrong the Conservative Administration had been when it falsely accused Hurlingham and Chelsea Secondary School of “failing” last year. They then spent tens of thousands of pounds of tax payers’ money publicising that message and trying to close it down. Hurlingham and Chelsea School is one of the most improving schools in the Country and led the way with a hugely impressive leap in results with 37% of its pupils gaining five or more GCSE passes at grades A* to C this year compared to 25% for 2006.

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