Friday, 14 September 2007

H&F Conservatives Apply For Licence To Allow Boxing, Wrestling and Live Music in Ravenscourt And Bishops Parks

I’ve been contacted by several people, from across the borough, who are concerned about the new permanent licence applications that have been applied for Ravenscourt and Bishops Parks by our local council.

Following enquiries, the initial response from H&F council is that both licences are for the annual fireworks displays - which would be fine. However, those events used to be run on an annual temporary licence. The new licence is not only permanent but also seeks permission for the following:

  • to put on boxing and wrestling events
  • to be able to sell alcohol
  • to be able to play amplified live music
  • to allow performance of dance
  • to allow exhibitions of films
  • to allow indoor sporting events
  • to allow the playing of recorded music
  • to allow late night refreshment

H&F Council is keen that there is no cap on the number of events so in theory something could be put on in the parks every night, till midnight, throughout the year. The licence applications reads like the intent is to make money out of the parks by licensing their use for private parties, which I’m sure would cause an unacceptable level of disturbance to local residents.

You can view the application for Ravenscourt Park by clicking here. You can then email any comments or objections you have to the scheme directly to the licensing department by clicking here and quoting the application number: 2007/04074/LAPR. You have to get your objections to this licence application in by 2nd October. Please include your full name and home address so that your views can be officially registered.

For Bishops Park; click here to see the application. You should then email any objections you have to the licensing department by clicking here and quoting the application number: 2007/04070/LAPR. You must send in your objection to this licence application by 4th October.

I'll let you know more when I find out what's happening. Email me here if you have anything to add about this.


  1. Finally some live and let live policies. I'm all for it.
    Life's to short and so is a week end... :0)

  2. Although we do not live near Ravenscourt Park, we both go there frequently. The use of the park for school sports days, bonfire night, and a travelling circus a couple of times a year, are perfectly acceptable. But, to award a general, open-ended licence is likely to have an adverse effect on the park and those who use it as well as those who use the park during the day. Hyde Park is not a precedent. It is vastly bigger (even without counting Kensington Gardens which are in effect part of the same park) and thus able to cope with events which would cause a lot of noise and disturbance for those who live nearby, as well as effecting those who use the park during the day. The setting-up process take a long time and is very disrupting.

    Anthony Aust
    5 Coulter Road
    London W6 0BJ

  3. It’s all in the interpretation. The park is a wonderful space - the sort of place that you want to make merry in and sing and dance. But if this means heavy metal or opera five nights a week until Midnight, it’s somehow not so charming. How do you legislate for that?

    I think the possibility that the park might be used for this kind of enjoyment would not be quite such a cause for worry in continental Europe. As Louise says...

  4. I like the idea of suing the parks sometimes for dance and music but with consultation with residents and loath the idea of boxing and wrestling.

    Sue Robinson Richford St
