Wednesday 5 September 2007

H&F Council Cuts Youth Funding And Closes Youth Facilities In Asset Stripping Exercise

I am sorry to tell you that we have not (so far) been successful in persuading the Conservative Administration to reverse its cuts to local youth services. This despite a government report saying that well targetted youth facilities should be a vital aspect to a local authority's youth strategy. This year H&F Council has:

I think these are big mistakes. We need to provide our local young people with interesting things to do that will help occupy their time and energy. My Labour colleagues and I are not alone in this view locally as H&F Council actually carried out a MORI poll to find out what local people cared about. A very large number said they felt there was a need for more and better youth facilities. It's good that H&F Council has now agreed to carry out a review of youth issues with a commission but it must also reverse its cuts if it is to seriously address this important priority.

We will continue to press the Conservative Administration about this. Please email me here if you want to support our campaign.

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