Friday 5 October 2007

Hammersmith & Fulham Rat Infestations On The Increase

I’ve been contacted by a large number of residents about rat infestations in our neighbourhood. It seems that there has been a growth in the rat population locally. I have arranged for H&F Council to take measures to address the situation in several public areas around Hammersmith. Please contact me by emailing here if you have a similar problem in your street and I’ll ensure the Council visits your area and undertakes the necessary measures.

I am concerned that this is related to the £1.5million cut in the refuse collection and street cleaning services that H&F Council implemented last April. I have, in fact, never experienced so many complaints about missed refuse collections or fly-tipping throughout my nine years as a councillor.

The Council has a duty to address rodent problems in public areas but will charge for acting in people’s private homes. If you want to contact H&F Council about an infestation problem in your home you should click here. There are also a wide variety of private companies who provide similar services.

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