Friday 12 October 2007

Public Meeting About NCP Car Park Plans

There is to be a public meeting to give residents a chance to discuss the plans to develop the NCP car park. My fellow ward councillors and I have arranged it after request from large numbers of local people who are keen to find out more about the proposals for that part of Hammersmith.

The meeting will take place at 7.00pm on Thursday 25th October at the Emerald Centre which is actually on the NCP car park site. The entrance is on Beadon Rd next to the Hammersmith City Line tube station.

All the key players have been invited and are expected to come. Please feel free to bring your friends and neighbours. All are welcome, no matter what your views are on the plans.

I will let you know more details when I have them. Please email here if you have any questions about the matter.

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