Tuesday 27 November 2007

Extended Apollo License Stopped!

The Apollo’s application to extend its licence was refused at yesterday’s licencing committee. The Apollo had hoped to run events until 2.00am, for several thousand people and on up to twenty occasions per year.

I would like to thank all those residents who took the trouble to write in. It played a signifcant role in stopping this. My fellow ward Councillors and I were concerned that the current licence was not always being managed properly. It had caused a wide variety of on-going disturbance to our constituents. We were worried that this new extended application was a recipe for greater problems and so we were keen to oppose the Apollo’s plans.

The Apollo may well appeal which would mean that the application will be heard by a local magistrate. If that happens, my fellow ward councillors and I will make available the significant body of evidence to the magistrates that shows why the extended licence is not appropriate.

Thanks again to all those that assisted in this matter.


  1. Thank you for all you've done to raise this.

    Councillor Lisa Nandy gave a great show at the committee. She really set out why this licence should not have been granted.

    We're lucky to have the both of you as our councillors.

  2. Good stuff.

    Hammersmith needs later licencing at the Apollo like a hole in the head.

    Paul Lawrenson.
