Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Planning Permission Sought For Brackenbury Post OfficeTo Become Mini-Cab Outlet

Concerned residents have contacted me about the change of use of the old Post Office at 127 Brackenbury Road, Hammersmith. There is an application to H&F Council to turn it into a mini-cab office. My fellow ward councillors and I have called this decision into the Planning Applications Committee. This will mean that it will now be considered by a panel of councillors instead of a planning official.

You can view the application for yourself by clicking here. You should then click here to email H&F Council's planning department with any comments or objections you have. Make sure you quote reference number 2007/03465/FUL when you send in a comment. H&F Council have asked that all objections are sent in by 8th November 2007. However, you will still be able to send your objections until the date the committee meets and as yet, no date has been set.

Any objections you make have to be done on an objective basis and within the UK’s planning legislation. For this application those may be:

  1. This mini-cab businesses would cause nuisance within what is largely a residential area. That nuisance could include additional parking problems, additional traffic, and additional noise.
  2. It’s worth mentioning that this change of use of the building will cause the area to lose a valuable retail site.

Please email me here if you want any further information.


  1. Thank you Stephen for bringing the Mini-Cabs issue to the wider atttention of your constituency.
    It's interesting to note that the proposed floor plans include a customer waiting area at the front of the proposed office. This would indicate that the office will not be just a telephone dispatch office as the Planning Officer intimated to me in a telephone conversation.

  2. We do NOT need another mini cab service in this area, we all have telephones if we need tocall a cab!!
