Tuesday 18 December 2007

H&F Conservatives Tell BBC and Homeless Charity “There’s No Room At The Inn” For Christmas Night Shelter

Scrooge’s Christmas spirit was the only one on offer at H&F Council when the BBC and Crisis, the homeless charity, wanted to open a temporary night shelter in BBC premises over the Christmas period. H&F Conservatives vetoed the plans, explaining that they believed the homeless were a “law and order issue”.

Despite being asked to think again by Cllr. Lisa Nandy, Labour’s Shadow Housing Lead, H&F Conservatives stuck to their guns denying dozens of people a warm, safe place to sleep and enjoy a hot meal over the festive period.

Lisa Nandy told me “H&F Council actually refused to even to meet Crisis to discuss their plan sticking to the line that homelessness is a “public order not a housing issue”. It would not have cost them anything. This is just old-fashioned prejudice against a very vulnerable group of people. H&F Council still has time to change their minds. I hope they do".

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