Wednesday 23 January 2008

Kids Now Roaming Streets As H&F Council Sells Youth Club For £5million

I’ve been contacted by residents of Sands End, Fulham, who tell me that there are now large numbers of young people roaming the area now that H&F Council has sold off the Castle Youth Club.

The Council had promised that it would provide alternative facilities. It hasn’t. Instead it says that the seventy youths that used to go to the Castle Club should now attend a different, less appealing facility a mile and a half away. They’re not doing it and now the people of Sands End and the young people concerned are worse off.

H&F Council isn’t shedding any tears. They managed to sell the youth facility for £5million and at the last Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee a senior official - keen to impress his Conservative Cabinet Member - announced that the Children’s Services Department has also delivered more cuts this year than any other council department… Nice.

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