Friday 22 February 2008

Hammersmith Apollo Appeals For 2.00am Licence

The Hammersmith Apollo has appealed against the Licensing Sub-Committee's decision to refuse them an extended licence. Their request will now be heard by local magistrates.

The Apollo had applied to extend its current licence as it wants to entertain several thousand people until 2.00am on up to twenty occasions a year. Cllr. Lisa Nandy (Lab) and I campaigned against this after being contacted by hundreds of local people with long standing concerns about the Apollo’s management of its current licence.

The matter is set to be considered at West London Magistrates' Court. The Police will also object and Lisa and I hope to speak on behalf of our constituents. The public can attend as observers and I have been advised that those people who have already written in to object will also be able to speak at the hearing – which is expected to take place in March. I shall notify you of a date as soon as it has been agreed. Please email me by clicking here if you'd like more information.

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