Readers will recall that back in January, many Sands End residents contacted me to complain that large numbers of young people were now roaming the streets following the £5million sell-off of the Castle Club play and youth centre by H&F's Conservative run council. The property is now being converted into a luxury private house.
Referring to the high number of police warnings, local resident Brendan Bird said “I’m not surprised. There is now a noticeable increase in the number of kids hanging around on the streets since the closure of the Castle Club. There has not been any appropriate replacement of facilities. Instead, H&F Conservatives sold the Castle Club off as a luxury private house despite it being bequeathed “for the care of the children of Fulham” by Laurence Sulivan in 1855. The Castle Club was an after-school play centre for kids aged between 5 to 11 and in the evenings it was a youth club that specialised in IT and photography for young people aged up to 16. Clearly anti-social behaviour needs to be dealt with but I also believe that Sands End desperately needs facilities that will be both attractive to young people and use up their energies in a constructive way”.
Brendan Bird and his fellow Sands End residents are campaigning to have the youth and play facilities replaced. Please email his campaign here to find out more.