Sunday 30 March 2008

Murad Qureshi AM Says H&F Youth Groups Should Bid For Ken's £5million

Murad Qureshi AM (Lab) is urging local voluntary and community groups working with young people to bid for a share of £5million of new funding for young Londoners announced by Mayor Livingstone.

Seventy three million pounds has already been pledged to the London boroughs to support projects offering young people positive activities and alternatives to getting involved in gang culture. However, the Mayor has set £5million aside, called the ‘Young Londoners’ Fund’, which is ring fenced specifically for voluntary and community groups who work with young people.

Murad said "This new money recognises the vital role local groups provide to our young people, providing activities, sport and education alongside those provided by statutory agencies . I hope that as many groups as possible will apply for funding to enable them to carry on their excellent work". Tenders need to be in by Friday, 2nd May 2008. Please click here if you would like to find out how to apply.

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