Sunday 20 April 2008

Labour Selects Local Champion To Fight Sands End By-Election

Local resident, Brendan Bird has been selected as the Labour Party candidate to fight the Sands End by-election following the resignation of one of the sitting Conservative councillors.

Brendan is a previously long-standing councillor in the ward. He lost his seat in May 2006 when the Conservatives won control of H&F Council. Since then, the Tories have introduced £36million of cuts, failed to deliver on their promise of extra police and one of Sands End's three Tory councillors resigned her seat, having moved abroad some months ago.

Brendan is extremely active in the area. He campaigned against H&F Conservative’s closure of Peterborough Primary School last year; he's fighting to make H&F Council restore Sands End's youth facilities after the Conservatives sold off the Castle Youth Club and he helped to stop H&F Tories planned closure of Hurlingham and Chelsea Secondary School in 2007.

Brendan has lived in Sands End for 30 years. He is a member of the Peterborough Road Residents’ Association and a governor of Holy Cross Primary School. You can contact his campaign by emailing here. The election will take place on 1st May.

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