Monday 12 May 2008

H&F Council's Unsatisfactory Response On Dog Fouling

Following a complaint from a family about dog mess in Kilmarsh Road, Hammersmith, on Tuesday, April 29th, I emailed a senior official in H&F's Environment Department with the expectation that it would be dealt with. Two days later, on Thursday, May 1st, my constituent and I saw that it was all still there. Sadly, this type of weak response is not a one-off.

I was then surprised to learn that H&F Council has failed to issue any fines to people who allow their dogs to foul our streets.

To me, a local authority’s ability to maintain a clean environment is one of the basic tests of its priorities and its competence. I think that the ruling Conservative Administration was wrong to cut the street cleaning budget and I question why relatively simple matters like this are not dealt with to residents’ satisfaction. It does not seem that keeping our streets clean is currently a priority of this Council.

Please email me here to let me know if you have or have had any similar problems with dirty streets where you live. I will keep raising these matters until H&F Council responds in a way that residents find acceptable.

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