Monday, 19 January 2009

International Visitors Discuss H&F’s Affordable Homes

Walk south along the river bank from Hammersmith Bridge and you’ll come across low rise affordable houses dotted along the side of your path. Once past Putney Bridge, you’ll be able to look over the river and contrast that with the high rise, glass fronted super-developments of luxury flats that have been build in the London Borough of Wandsworth over the last thirty years. Nothing symbolises more the different approaches council administrations can take to developing land in their borough.

All of the properties you’ll pass on your riverside walk through our borough were build by the last Labour Administration. Up until 2006 that Administration build more affordable homes to buy or rent than the rest of London put together.

Our provision of affordable homes was one of the issues discussed when a delegation of South Australia’s politicians visited Hammersmith Town Hall on Friday afternoon. The Hon Jennifer Rankine MP - South Australia's Minister for Housing - led the delegation that included the Hon John Gazzola - Member of the Legislative Council and Matt Clemow - Adviser to the Minister for Housing. They were greeted by Cllr. Lisa Nandy (Lab), the Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, Cllr. Jean Campbell (Lab) Housing Scrutiny Committee Member, Cllr. Mike Cartwright (Lab) the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and me.

Given the stark differences between west London and South Australia it was interesting to consider our shared objectives to provide more affordable homes to buy and rent, tackle homelessness and regenerate our regions.

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