Wednesday 7 January 2009

What Next? Invite To Hear Debate Of The Change President-elect Barack Obama Will Bring

Readers are invited to attend a debate between Bonnie Greer, the Chicago born playwright and critic and Peter Oborne, a contributing editor to The Spectator and columnist on the Daily Mail. The meeting will be chaired by William Barnard – chair of Democrats Abroad (UK) and will be hosted by Emily Thornberry MP (Lab). It should be an interesting evening for those keen to consider how the world will change after the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama at the end of this month.

The event will take place at 7.00pm on Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at The Window, 13 Windsor Street, London N1 8QG.

There is a £35 ticket price with the promise of drinks, and the best canapés in Islington. Proceeds will cover cost and support Emily Thornberry MP's community engagement work. RSVP to Emily Thornberry MP by clicking here.

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