Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Hammersmith Community Rallies To Support Residents’ Campaign To Save Their Homes

Dick Langford and Tim de Ferrars have written a song to support the Hands Off Our Queen Caroline Homes campaign. Residents set up the action group to stop H&F Conservatives demolishing their homes and forcibly moving many local people out of the area. You can listen to the song here. You can also sign the petition here to support the Hammersmith residents that have been targeted.

Hammersmith and Fulham Conservatives now reluctantly admit that the plans are real having previously spent months saying they were just scaremongering. Residents forced the Leader of the Council to come clean and tell them that his Administration had been in talks with property speculators during a public meeting – which you can view here. Since then H&F’s Conservative run Council has run a damage limitation exercise and published papers trying to put the best spin in their plans to move many Hammersmith residents out of the borough.

I’ll keep you updated as this story continues to develop.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that residences must have the right to live and remain, within there property- regardless of the conservatives proposals of knocking- and relocating tenants. This is being propose for their own benefits, interest and gain. Some of us have been living here for years- it'll be really unfair and insensitive for the residences, to move out of their homes. The old saying: is "there is no place like home".
