You could easily have missed the advert (opposite) while flicking through the local paper. It reads
“Owner Drivers Required” and calls for people
“With van or estate car for deliveries of school meals in the Hammersmith and Fulham area”.Intrigued, I called them. Their client is our very own Conservative run Hammersmith and Fulham Council. The schools meals transport service was recently privatised and the firm at the other end of the phone now have the contract.

Mischievously, I made out I was applying for the job. I said that I also move horticultural items around in my car, such as compost, and would be driving Christmas trees around at the same time as the school meals from November onwards. They didn’t object and asked me if I wanted an application form. I didn’t and I’m not sure many parents will feel happy when they find out about this latest Tory scam.
UPDATE: Dan Hodges of the Hammersmith Gazette has featured this story in this week's newspaper. He tells how he also called the number in the advert and made out he moved
"building waste" around in the van he proposed to deliver our children's school dinners in. They diligently sent him an application form. Click onto the attached article to read Dan Hodges piece in full.
Yuk. What guarantees are there around hygiene? What about virulent types of e-coli? Are these people police checked? This is madness. I will be giving my child packed lunches and writing to the school to complain. The Conservative Party has lost my vote. There is too much of this nonsense going on here locally.
This beggars belief...
The Conservative Party will lose next Council Election.
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