Monday 19 October 2009

VIDEO: The Guardian Investigates H&F Conservatives' Plans To Demolish Residents' Homes

Dave Hill of the Guardian has taken a long hard look at H&F Conservatives controversial proposals to knock down residents' homes and force people to move out of the Borough. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Oddly, the Leader of Hammersmith and Fulham Council refused to give an interview to the journalist. This is exactly what happened, back in June, when the BBC also asked for a H&F Conservative politician to appear on the Politics Show to explain the politics of their plans to deprive residents of their homes.

It seems that H&F Conservatives are doing their very best to cover up details of their controversial scheme, which will affect over 3500 Hammersmith and Fulham residents. One would think they felt they have something to hide. Click here to see the Guardian's video.

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