Saturday 12 December 2009

Further Controversy Over Another Major Hammersmith And Fulham Planning Scheme

Hundreds of residents have contacted me to share their anger at H&F Conservatives’ latest planning scheme, due to go to the Planning Applications Committee (PAC) this Wednesday evening. H&F Council used to run a residential care home at 282 to 288 Goldhawk Road. They moved the residents out and now an organisation called Places for People has put in an application to make the site into a mixed development.

Residents tell me that they smell a rat pointing out that H&F Council wrote the report recommending approval prior to the close of the consultation period.

I expect Wednesday’s meeting to be packed out. It will be interesting to see if this application will be pushed though by the Administration much as many others have. If you want to attend, then come to Hammersmith Town Hall for 7.00pm. It’s the first item on the agenda. I’ll see you there.

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