Monday 1 February 2010

Meals On Wheels Use Slashed By Almost Half After H&F Conservatives Set Out To Deter Usage

The numbers of local elderly and disabled people using H&F Council’s meals on wheels service has dropped from 420 to 260. This is a direct result of the Conservative Administration’s rather dubious cost-cutting measures which involved:
Back in 2007, I asked a senior finance official what rationale lay behind this new approach. She said that “the Administration wants to make more money from this service”. Well, it seems their tactics have paid off.

This time last year, Dawn Stephenson, director of Age Concern Hammersmith and Fulham, summed up the dangers of this policy when she said “You hear about elderly people who die in their homes, but no-one visits them for weeks. That daily contact is really, really critical and if the service is reduced or cut altogether that would be just tragic”.

An incoming Labour Administration will cut these charges and will dramatically improve on the current situation for our elderly and disabled residents.

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