Saturday 6 February 2010

Westminster Tories Letter To H&F Tories On Thames Tideway Tunnel

I have been sent a copy of a letter written by the Conservative Deputy Leader of Westminster City Council to Cllr. Paul Bristow (Con) to say that they won’t be joining in with H&F Council in it's campaign against the Thames Tideway Tunnel.

The letter was sent on the 14th January by Westminster’s Cllr. Robert Davis (Con), the Deputy Leader of the City Council. He said “Unfortunately the City Council does not feel that we can support this campaign” adding “In particular we believe that the construction of the tunnel will extend the capacity of London’s sewer network to cope with increasing demand and address the problems of storm overflow and raw sewage entering the river”.

Regular readers will recall that H&F Conservatives invented the false notion that Ravenscourt Park and Furnival Gardens would be dug up for eight years and turned into a "crater" for a "giant stink pipe". They then made the Council spend thousands of pounds of public money putting this untruth into H&F News, the council run propaganda paper. They published leaflets about this supposed calamity and unnecessarily upset many residents in the process. Please click onto the pictures to expand if you want to read the letter in full.

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