Saturday, 27 March 2010

Support The Free Press

The Fulham and Hammersmith Chronicle has launched a campaign for Proper Papers Not Propaganda” - attacking H&F News - the Conservative run Council’s tax-payer funded propaganda sheet.

In an editorial that begins on this week’s front page it says “As your local newspaper of 122 years, it's our duty to make you aware that Hammersmith and Fulham Council is spending thousands of pounds of your money producing a biased council publication masquerading as an independent newspaper. Every fortnight the council's H&F news is delivered through your door peddling the views it wants you to read and it's costing you the council taxpayer £174,292 per annum. In short your money is being used by the council to publish its own views dressed up as impartial journalism in a newspaper format.”

H&F Labour have long campaigned against the Council's propaganda paper and pledge to dispose of it in our manifesto. We will also cut council advertising; reduce the press office to a minimum and in doing so save £5million.

The Chronicle is joining a long line of those that are appalled by the tax-payer funded propaganda in our borough.  Last October, Parliamentarians of all parties attacked it at a Select Committee; last August, the Evening Standard published a withering exposé; and this local website has run a long standing campaign. Even the Tax Payers Alliance told H&F’s Conservatives to “hang their heads in shame”.

You can support the Chronicle’s campaign by signing their petition here.

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