Today the BBC, the Guardian, the Independent and a plethora of media report that,"new social housing tenants could be kicked out of their homes after as little as two years under Government plans." They tell us the "Coalition moves to put an end to lifetime tenancies will go even further than previously indicated".
This policy originated here in Hammersmith and Fulham. It was published by the Leader of H&F Council in this document. The Guardian made this video and repeatedly asked the Council Leader; Grant Shapps MP (Con), the current Housing Minister and many other leading Conservatives to explain their plans. But all remained schtum. It would have been electoral dynamite it they'd announced it before people voted. So they didn't.
Instead the Conservatives proclaimed to anyone that would listen that my Labour colleagues and I had told "lies" about their plans to severely curtail tenancy rights for social housing residents. The Prime Minister even joined in and made this "lies" allegation in the Daily Telegraph. It's unusual for politicians to use the word "lies" as it is considered to be "unparliamentary language" and is forbidden in the House of Commons. So you'd think Mr. Cameron would have wanted to be on rock solid ground before talking in such bold terms. But he wasn't.
It's not the first time Mr. Cameron has been so careless with his language. I noticed that he also accused the Labour Party of lying over pensioner benefits in this interview with the Telegraph. Doesn't look like he was right on that one either.
Now the election is over and there probably won't be another until 2015, I wonder if Mr. Cameron has experienced a quite moment of regret about his less than truthful approach with the public on these matters before they casted their votes?...
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