Friday 26 November 2010

Council's Propaganda Response Is No Substitute For Listening To Shepherds Bush Market Fears

Remember this disastrous council cabinet meeting on the 12th November? Or this mass demonstration against, amongst other things, H&F Council's Shepherds Bush Market plans on the 27th October? Well, the Shepherds Bush Blog has scooped the Conservative Administration's long-awaited response to all possible concerns.

Have the Council listened? Have they agreed to genuinely work with the residents and traders and put forward regeneration proposals all can support? Er... No. Instead, the have gone for their default position and put out an expensive piece of propaganda telling us all how positive their plans really are. Chris Underwood has the whole story here.

Meanwhile, the next public meeting to consider the Shepherds Bush Market proposals will take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 1st December 2010 and will be held in the old Shepherds Bush Library, 7 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush.

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