Friday 4 March 2011

Poster Campaign Against Hammersmith Grove Skyscraper Encourages March 9th Turnout

Residents of Hammersmith Grove, Overstone Road and the surrounding streets have asked me to publicise their campaign to stop two giant buildings being built on the NCP car park site in Hammersmith Grove.

They hope to encourage people to turn up to the next Planning Applications Committee on March 9. You can read the planning papers here and my previous report here. Please feel free to click on the attached picture, print it off and put in your window.

Residents concerns about the development include:
  • It is far bigger than anything else on Hammersmith Grove or even in Hammersmith town centre
  • This huge building will be open 24 hours 7 seven days a week
  • The building is estimated to attract 3000 daily visitors creating extra noise, parking and traffic problems
  • Vans and lorries will start delivering to the restaurants and offices in the building from the early hours onwards
  • The building will damage property prices and affect the quality of life for all who live in our neighbourhood.
This development is more than twice as big as a development presented to the last Labour Administration over ten years ago. That was turned down for being too big. Residents are calling on H&F's current Conservative Administration to turn this application down and work with residents to put a scheme in that meets the character, needs and scale of the area.

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