Friday 12 August 2011

Public Meeting To Save Hammersmith Riverfront: 6th September 2011

I have been sent this website from a new residents’ group in the Borough that is campaigning for a more reasonable approach to developing Hammersmith Embankment. Save Our Riverfront (SOR) is another non-party political campaign which appears to be following in the footsteps of Save Our Skyline (SOS).

The St. George subsidiary of Berkeley Homes purchased the Hammersmith Embankment site (which they have re-christened "Fulham Reach") last year and hopes to get planning permission for almost 750 properties. Those would be built up to 9 storeys high on one of the most sensitive sites in Hammersmith. You can read a full report about that here.

Feel free to click on the attached poster, print it out and put it in your window if you're concerned about St. George's plans.

Save Our Riverfront have arranged a public meeting at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 6th September 2011. It will be held at St. Augustine’s Church, 55 Fulham Palace Road. They are asking H&F Council to say no to this enormous scheme. I expect the meeting to be packed out and wish SOR luck in their aim of encouraging our Council to see sense.

Planning officers are currently writing up their recommendations in preparation for a report on the site which will be considered at the Planning Application’s Committee (PAC) on Wednesday, 14th September. Therefore residents wanting to influence the planning process should send their comments and objections in by either clicking here or email letters directly to the planning officer here and quote reference 2011/00407/COMB. The planning recomendations will be published here on Monday, 5th September. The PAC is a public meeting and I urge residents to attend. The details of where and exactly when can be found here.

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