Sunday, 6 November 2011

Controversial Town Hall Tower Block and Office Planning Date Set: 30th November 2011

The Conservative Administration set 30th Nov
as their decision day.
At 5.00 pm on Friday night the Conservative Administration announced that its controversial Town Hall scheme is going to the Planning Applications Committee on Wednesday 30th November 2011. The meeting is a “special” session of the PAC and will start at 7.00 pm.

Oddly, despite having had years to arrange this they have chosen a date when they say the Town Hall Assembly Room is booked out. So it will be held at Latymer Upper School – not Hammersmith Town Hall - instead.

The November date is interesting. The Conservative Administration clearly fears that should Ken Livingstone become the Mayor in six months time he will act against these ridiculous plans. So, this date gives the current Conservative Mayor an opportunity to consider them before the election.

Residents wishing to demonstrate their objections can attend. I know many residents groups are arranging for that to happen. I’ll see you at the meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Will the school let everybody in or will they quote some health and safety rule to keep lots of us out? One which the Council would no doubt feign ignorance of.
