Wednesday 14 March 2012

Award Winning File on 4 Examines H&F Council In Special Programme On Tax Avoidance

Radio 4's award winning, flagship documentary series File on 4 have investigated H&F’s Conservative Administrations dubious “consultants” and tax position in their latest programme focussing on tax avoidance.

The programme went out at 8.00pm last night and it will be broadcast again at 5.00pm on Sunday 18th Match. You can also download the podcast and listen to it by clicking here and then clicking on the programme titled “Tax Avoidance.”

Today's Daily Telegraph has also named and shamed H&F Council about its "tax avoidance schemes" here.

You can read the BBC's Fran Abrams' report here; you read Andy Slaughter MP’s (Lab) speech to Parliament about this here; you can read some of the other press coverage here; you can follow Private Eye’s investigations here and you can read my report on Nick Johnson (featured in the programme) here and my full report on the whole issue here.

There is much more to come out about this so watch this space.

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