Friday 23 March 2012

Guardian Features West Kensington Residents' Plight As Tory Demolitions Plan Progresses

See today's edition for full page feature on
West Ken and Gibbs Green
Today’s Guardian has published this full page feature on the plight of residents facing the prospect of having their homes demolished in West Kensington and Gibbs Green. The story is written by the excellent Dave Hill who was one of the first journalist to expose the full extent of the Conservatives’ housing demolitions and new policy proposals when he released this video report on the 9th October 2009.

Regular readers will also recall H&F Council’s thoroughly dishonest approach when news of the West Ken and Gibbs Green homes demolitions was first reported in the Fulham Chronicle on 3rd July 2008. The Council's PR department actually threatened that newspaper with legal action unless they retracted the story. But within six months the Council had officially started consulting on its proposal and last Monday night they altered the Council’s planning documents to make it easier to demolish all the homes in that area.

You can read the Guardian’s full article by clicking here.

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