Monday 2 April 2012

ComRes Poll: 72% Agree "This Government Is Out Of Touch With Ordinary Voters"

There’s some uncomfortable reading for the government in the latest poll carried out by ComRes for the Sunday Mirror and Independent on Sunday. As Winston Churchill famously said “Governments lose elections; oppositions don't win them.” Whatever the truth of that statement, it’s pretty clear that messrs Cameron, Clegg and Osborne hardly look like winners going by these figures:

This Government is out of touch with ordinary voters
Agree 72%
Disagree 17%

It is right that pensioners should have their age-related allowances frozen, the so-called Granny Tax, to bring them in line with other taxpayers
Agree 21%
Disagree 64%

The Government has created an unnecessary panic over the fuel crisis
Agree 81% 
Disagree 11%

The Chancellor was right to extend VAT to hot pies and pasties
Agree 17%
Disagree 71%

You can read the ComRes’ poll in full by clicking here.

It would be interesting to see such a poll for Cameron’s favourite Council. What with the Conservative Administration's £12m waste on unnecessary consultants, its £70m Town Hall vanity project, new stealth taxes for using local parksparking and more. And let's not forget the Administration's too close for comfort relationship with property speculators. It's hard to imagine H&F Conservatives coming off as being in-touch with the real concerns of local residents.

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