Saturday 14 April 2012

H&F's Pension Deficit Crisis

The Taxpayers Alliance has just published details of local authority pension deficits. Hammersmith and Fulham Council’s Conservative Administration is at number seven on the national list of the highest pension deficit per head of population. H&F now has a shocking £1,899.00 deficit for each resident of our Borough.

This makes H&F Conservatives' £270,000.00 tax free, lump sum pay-off and £104,000.00 annual pension to the Authority’s former chief executive; their dubious practice wasting a possible £12m by hiring employees as "consultants;" and their £15m possible back taxes and fines for acting outside of UK tax laws all the harder to swallow.

H&F Council are also on the list of local authorities where pension assets over liabilities are less than 60%. And all this from the Party that tries to tell us they’re good with public money?

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