Monday, 19 November 2012

Councillor Jean Campbell

Councillor Jean Campbell
It is with profound sadness that I announce Councillor Jean Campbell died on Saturday.

Jean had represented the nearly 8,000 citizens of Wormholt and White City ward since 4th May 2006. She was also an active member of her local church, a member of the Hammersmith Labour Party’s general committee and an executive member of the White City Tenants and Residents Association - having been re-elected as its treasurer just last Wednesday night.

Jean Campbell was a part of that great pioneer generation and having been born in Belmont, St. Andrew, Jamaica on the 6th March 1947, she arrived in Britain in 1970. She worked as an auxiliary nurse in the West London Hospital, then as a civil servant in the Department of Trade and Industry and did all of this while volunteering in her local community and bringing up four sons.

For Jean, looking out for others was just how she lived her life. Accompanying her on a walk around White City could be a leisurely affair as she would be stopped by neighbours and constituents all keen to pass the time of day, discuss some issue of concern or shout a friendly greeting as they dashed by. She was a captivating speaker in the Council Chamber – always sticking up for those most hard done by or for people whose voices were being ignored. She was the original community leader and organiser, always thinking how she could get something done and working to make things better.

Flag flying at half mast over Hammersmith Town Hall today
out of respect for Councillor Jean Campbell who gave
a lifetime of service to others
For the last seven years Jean was the carer for her partner Jones Delauney who sadly died in July after a long illness. Jean lived with her mum.

Recently, Jean was campaigning for better care for elderly residents in sheltered housing, for better youth services and was in the process of sending food parcels to Jamaica after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.

I had last spoken with Jean on Friday night. She was on good form and looking forward to the future – even joking about going dancing again. Jean was much loved and respected by all of us. Her death is a terrible shock and a dreadful loss.

I know the thoughts of everyone who knew Jean will be with her mum, her children, their partners and her grandchildren, all of whom she was very proud - as were we of her.

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