Cllr. Mercy Umeh (Lab): Leading the campaign
to Save Hammersmith Park |
Last night the Conservative majority on the Planning Applications Committee voted that most of Hammersmith Park would become a private commercial venture for 35 years. Leasing it rather than selling it was a ruse that meant that H&F's Conservative Administration did not have to seek permission from the Secretary of State which is what is meant to happen when councils dispose of public parks. So their plan now is that the bulldozers will arrive and where before there was trees and greenery there will now be a car park, a private bar and a private sports facility.
The vast majority of local residents appear to have been deliberately kept in the dark about this and those that found out are outraged.
There is an unhappy record of our local parks being sold off or rented out as commercial ventures by H&F Council's Conservative Administration. Remember the Hurlingham Park polo debacle - which later turned out to be financially incompetent? Remember their unsuccessful attempt to allow Ravenscourt Park to be used as a venue for raves, late night drinking and wrestling?
Community facilities like parks, hospitals, village halls and libraries have all been given to us by previous generations of people who campaigned for them to exist. A council has a duty to be a good custodian of those often vital community facilities. Going by the comments of the vast majority of people who attended last night's meeting, I can't see this Conservative Administration being a trusted custodian of any of the Borough's community facilities - even by natural Conservative voters.
Ward councillors Andrew Jones (Lab) and Mercy Umeh (Lab) both delivered eloquent speeches in defense of Hammersmith Park but the Conservatives used their large majority to ignore residents' concerns and block vote it through anyway. Here is what Cllr. Mercy Umeh said:
"Thank you for giving me the
opportunity to address this committee. I do so on behalf of the many residents
who have contacted me to express their concerns about many aspect of this
application. I recognise that this is the Planning Applications Committee and
understand that it has the specific brief of considering this application with
reference to planning rules and guidelines. I would however like to put on
record the concerns my constituents have raised with me about the conflict of
interests of majority of the Planning Committee’s members.
Everyone here tonight is aware
that the changes being voted on by this committee form part of an agreement the
Council’s Conservative Administration has already made with PlayFootball. It is
therefore a policy of the Conservative Administration. My constituents are
concerned that in the pre-meeting the Conservative councillors had this
evening, just prior to this meeting, that they have already agreed to vote this
I hope my constituents’ fears
aren’t realised and that you will listen to their concerns and vote
So let me begin by raising the
first planning concern: If this park was being sold to PlayFootball rather than
leased it would have to be agreed by the Secretary of State. Instead of selling
this park the Administration has leased it for 35 years. In practical terms,
although I accept it is different legally, a 35 year lease is the same as a
sale. PlayFootball will have control of this park for over a generation of
people growing up in this neighbourhood. Given those circumstances, I believe
this decision should have been reviewed by the secretary of state. That would
have been in the spirit of what the law intended
I do not believe that the public
have sufficient confidence in LBHF’s officials or its ruling councillors for
such a long term decision to have been made otherwise. That brings me on to the
second point.
The consultation: Many of my
constituents simply have not been consulted. You will have hopefully read the
letter of objection from Virginia Ironside, the Chair of RAPA. She makes the
point (and I quote) that “We at RAPA have
only heard of what is going on through rumour and have not been consulted at all.” Similarly, I have had
many complaints from residents making the same point and I know my colleagues
representing White City have too.
This looks to me like the Council deliberately
chose to take a very limited consultation. Why?
Was it because it was aware that
once people understood what was happening to their park they would object?
I think so…
We have a situation where a third
of Hammersmith Park is being leased to private developers for a very long time.
The park will be used as a commercial venue. It will include a bar and part of
the park will be turned into a car park. Meanwhile, your Conservative
administration has agreed to eliminate the bowling green; to eliminate the
tennis courts; to eliminate the playground; and to eliminate the basketball
Your administration has agreed to
fell 24 mature tree. It hopes to destroy valuable flower beds. And if this
development is agreed it will severely curtail an important green oasis in an
area with one of the lowest amounts of green space in the whole of England.
The erection of a 12 foot high
fence around the project will not properly lessen the considerable amount of
noise and will be completely unsightly. The light pollution will be bad for my
constituents – particularly those in Batman Close.
Why do this? Why cut down trees? Why put a car park for 20 cars
where that had been greenery, flowers and trees? Why do we need a private bar in
this green park?
Why should residents face light pollution
and the noise of car’s coming and going and people shouting and yelling until
late in the night? Why do any of this?
I understood the Council was
trying to change the image of its planning department. How do you think most
people will view its behaviour over this scheme? Why do PlayFootball need to be
given the opportunity to make £70,000 a year profits out of our public park?
Everyone who is on this committee,
all the planning officers and anyone who has taken the trouble to read the
planning guidelines will know that this scheme is in direct contradiction to
Hammersmith and Fulham’s own guidelines for the Borough.
The London Borough of Hammersmith
and Fulham has published concerns about there being not enough tennis
facilities. It has pledged to do everything necessary to curtail traffic pollution;
it states that the location of night-time economy must be sensitive to
residential uses and most importantly that that social infrastructure facilities
in the White City area should be clearly accessible to the members of the
community they serve.
There is talk of PlayFootball
charging around £50 per hour to use a pitch. This scheme will not be accessible
to the vast majority of residents which is presumably why PlayFootball have
asked for a car park.
This is clearly a change of use of
land: From a park to a car park; from a park to a bar, from park to a
commercial venture. It needs to be judged as a change of use.
The failure of Hammersmith and Fulham,
the failure of its planning department and the failure of its Conservative
administration to do that brings the reputation of this Borough into disrepute. I ask you to vote this scheme