Tuesday, 20 May 2014

H&F Labour's Candidates For Collage Park and Old Oak

Here are some details about H&F Labour's candidates for Collage Park and Old Oak. You can find your polling station by putting your post code into this link.

Elaine Chumnery
Elaine Chumnery has been a councillor since 2010 and lives in College Park and Old Oak, with her 11-year-old daughter. Elaine is an active councillor and works hard for those who need support. She sits on numerous bodies, including the Old Oak Housing Association and the Old Oak Primary School governing body.  

Elaine has a keen interest in children's services and has served on the scrutiny committee for four years. She has worked for local government for nearly 12 years and brings a wealth of knowledge about how to deliver services effectively and efficiently to residents.

Wesley Harcourt
Wesley has been an elected Councillor for College Park and Old Oak Ward for 20 years. He is the shadow cabinet member for the Environment and a member of the Planning Applications Committee. He is also Chair of governors at the Good Shepherd RC Primary School and a governor at Phoenix High School.

Wesley works for a charity that provides support to legal advice centres and is a trustee of the local Citizens Advice Bureau. He is a keen photographer and in his spare time can be found digging his allotment.

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