Tuesday 20 May 2014

H&F Labour's Candidates For Hammersmith Broadway

Here are some details about H&F Labour's candidates for Hammersmith Broadway. You can find your polling station by putting your post code into this link.

Michael Cartwright
Mike Cartwright has been a councillor since 1992 and served as cabinet member for the Environment for eight years. His main interest is in planning and he is looking forward to making changes so that developers no longer drive the planning system and residents can be fully involved in the planning process.

Mike takes a keen interest in education and is a governor of two of the Borough's outstanding schools, Sacred Heart High School and Larmenier and Sacred Heart Primary School. He is also a Justice of the Peace, sitting at Hammersmith Magistrates Court.
Stephen Cowan
Stephen has represented the area for sixteen years. He enjoys working with residents to get things done. Over the years he has, introduced the 20 mph Grove Home Zone, successfully campaigned to overturn ward police cuts, supported residents objecting to developers’ oversized property schemes and negotiated  thousands of pounds in extra compensation for hundreds of his constituents when they were let down by a utility firm.

Stephen is the Borough’s Leader of the Opposition. He runs his own management and negotiation training business and lives with his wife and two children. Stephen enjoys cycling and going to the cinema with his family.
PJ Murphy
The energy, diversity and vibrancy of Hammersmith Broadway attracted PJ to live in the ward 14 years ago. He has served you as a councillor for the past four years. PJ is a senior manager in a leading insurance company.
Charing Cross Hospital trained members of his family to become doctors and has cared wonderfully for his family and friends over many years. PJ strongly believes this is our hospital, serving our community. He will continue to fight to stop it being demolished and sold off for expensive housing for overseas investors.

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