Saturday 22 November 2014

H&F's New Labour Administration Funds More Police Than Ever Before

Me with the excellent Cllr. Sue Fennimore (Lab), H&F's cabinet member
for social inclusion, and the borough police commander
Chief Superintendent Gideon Springer
In the run up to the last local council elections my fellow Labour candidates and I made an early pledge to "defend neighbourhood policing" and "put police back on the beat". So I am delighted that today H&F's new Labour administration announced there will soon be more H&F funded police officers protecting local residents than ever before.

We found the funds to make this investment by re-negotiating property deals H&F's former Conservative administration had previously already agreed and closed the book on. We have won millions of extra pounds and have used a proportion of that money to fund the 20% increase in police numbers taking the total number of locally funded police officers up to forty four.

I meet many residents who have been victims of crime and many more concerned about the government and London Mayor's cuts in police numbers. But most importantly, my colleagues and I promised we would deliver extra policing and I am glad that we have been able to negotiate these extra funds to deliver on that promise within our first six months in office.

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